Sunday, September 30, 2012

The worst case scenario mom?

That's me - the worst case scenario mom.
I'm down who's on the escalator going down, concerned that my baby will fall out of my arms and tumble the the stairs.
I'm the one who drives on a bridge and clenches the steering wheel for fear that the bridge will give out under me.  Of course, living in Montreal, who can blame me for that one!
And, I'm the one who visualizes all sorts of terrible things as I leave my son at school for the day.
I worry that kids will pick on him, I worry that no one will play with him, I worry that he won't have enough food for the day, I worry that he'll get hurt, I worry that's he'll miss.  I worry!  I'm worst case scenario mom.
I don't know if the worry came with the Hemophilia, or I would have been like this without the bleeding disorder.  He's my first born so it's hard to say how I would have been had he been born without it.
'IT' sucks, 'IT' overtakes my life, consumes me and pretty much defines me.  I don't want it to, I tell myself everyday that Gabriel is not the disease, this is his how his body works and we have to deal with it.
I never say that he's a Hemophiliac but rather that he has Hemophilia.  He's not the disease after all, he just has the misfortune of having it.
I'm constantly in fear of him hurting himself and guess what?  He's always hurting himself.  He's five and just started kindergarden.  He had a spontaneous joint bleed last week.
I was shocked, I never expected him to have a spontaneous bleed.  I always assumed that Hemophilia A's had the spontaneous bleeds.  Never assume anything, right?
He's getting a port on Thursday.  My baby is having surgery, a foreign object will be put in his little body.
We've been working with him to help him deal with the surgery.  Hopefully, he'll be ok on the day.
Again, worst case scenario mom in me comes out and thinks the worst!
I guess I have to stop myself and take it one day at a time.
So, tomorrow when I drop him off at school, I won't worry about the potential bully in the making who may or may not be suffering from ADHD, I won't worry about Gabriel making a mess while eating and just covering his white shirt with tomato sauce (White?  Seriously?  What were they thinking when they imposed the dress code?  We need to buy stocks in clorox bleach)
I will definitely NOT worry about any psycho killers entering his school.  My husband thinks I'm a little coucou..but I digress...I'm just the worst case scenario mom!

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