Sunday, April 22, 2012

It's been a while...

It's been a while...
2 years to be exact.
Much has happened over the last 2 years.
I fell pregnant, I lost the baby.  I was 18 weeks pregnant.  It was tragic, traumatic and put me over the edge.  Well, I was already over the edge, it just nudged me some more.
A few months later, I fell pregnant again.  9 months later, little Naomi Marie entered our lives.
She is a pure joy. An Angel, An adorable sweet baby who smile all the time.
She's so much different than her brothers.  For one, she actually sleeps.  It's so perplexing to me.  She gets tired, I put her in her crib and she falls asleep.  Peculiar in this household!

She was born in September, on the 12th at 12:49AM.  I actually went into labour on the 11th but delayed going to the hospital so that she could be born on the 12th.  I'm weird, I know, but I just didn't want her birthday to be September 11th.
She came into the world and changed mine.
Within a week of bringing her home, our routine was back to the same.  Chauffeuring the kids to school, daycare, the pediatrician and of course the hospital for Gabriel.
Bringing your 3rd baby home is wonderful, but your life doesn't stop.
It continues with a new little person to care for.